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MF Coffee Project is a collective of coffee farmers, processors, roasters, and coffee drinkers. The journey began with the establishment of the MF Washing Station in the picturesque mountains of Nkhota Village in the Northern Highlands of Malawi.

Here, Lyson and Noel, both coffee farmers and co-founders of MF, collaborate with the Tiko Coffee Collective. Tiko Coffee Collective consists of 48 smallholder farmers from Nkhota and Junju villages in Northern Malawi. Between May and October, Tiko Collective members harvest their coffee cherries and bring them to the MF Coffee Washing Station. Noel and Lyson, who are not just friends but also relatives and neighbors of the Tiko family, handle the cherries—weighing, sorting, and experimenting with different processing techniques, essentially finding the best ways to get those coffee seeds out of the cherries 🍒.

Once the seeds (or coffee beans) are processed at the MF Washing Station, they make their way to Scotland, where they undergo roasting before being distributed far and wide. The direct and transparent link forged between the coffee farmer and the coffee drinker enables Tiko and MF to collaborate, invest, build, grow, and consistently produce some of the world's finest coffee year after year.