Natural Process

Natural processing is the oldest form of coffee processing, developed in Ethiopia hundreds of years ago. As simple as it gets, coffee cherries are picked from tree and then laid directly on a raised drying bed and left out to dry, fruit and all. Those sweet coffee cherry flavours slowly seep into the coffee seed (or bean) while they dry and the end results are always crazy, funky and fruity.


Honey Process

Honey Processing is somewhere between natural processing and washed processing and takes on characteristics of both. After harvest coffee cherries are put through a small machine that strips away (most of) the fruit from the coffee seed. Some pulp, however, is left on and dries with the coffee seed leaving a “honey” like coating on the coffee.


Washed Process

With washed coffees, you taste what’s on the inside not the outside, giving you the truest representation of a single origin. After the coffee cherry is harvested it is put through a machine that stripes from the coffee fruit from the seed. That seed then goes through a fermentation process which loosens up any the remaining fruit pulp from the seed. Those coffee seeds (or beans) are then washed thoroughly and laid out to dry. This is your “classic” coffee and what most people are used to. Always delicious and a sure fire bet.